Home Performance Consultation

‘If I had an hour to save the world, I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and 5 minutes finding the solution.’ Albert Einstein

First, define the problem.

We gets lots of calls for insulation. The thing is most customers don’t want insulation, they want to solve a problem – hot and cold rooms, icicles, high energy bills, basement or attic smells, allergy issues, and more. That list is what the problem is, but when we take the time to define it well enough, the solution pretty much presents itself.

Often people have taken a few unsuccessful tries to solving these problems.  If you’ve used the ‘let’s try this and see if it works’ method to solve problems, you know how frustrating that can be when it doesn’t work.  

By slowing down and putting time to defining the problems, Energy Smart helps you arrive at more satisfying, permanent and effective solutions.  We’ve found people really appreciate this process of slowing down and understanding what is going on.  People want to understand what is going on with their homes.  

Energy Smart’s Home Performance Consultation is the first step on that path – defining the problem. Here’s what it includes:

  1. Building Science education –learn about the fascinating interactions happening in your home every day – why windows don’t really leak much, why your upstairs is hot in summer, why you get icicles, and much more.
  2. Explore and define your problems –  so that we fully understand what you are trying to solve. This is critical – you don’t want insulation, really, you are looking to solve a problem. We’ll help you explore.
  3. Energy bill analysis.Find out if your home is a Prius or a Hummer based on how much energy per square foot it uses. This also helps tell how much opportunity for savings there is. Please have a recent gas and electric bill for us to look at.
  4. Blower door test and look for air leaks –This is the single most important test and puts your house on an energy scale.  It also helps define WHERE the problems lie.  Air leaks are the biggest cause of discomfort and energy waste.  We use the blower door for diagnostics, during the work to find and cure leaks, and at the end to measure what has been accomplished.

They take about 2-3 hours.

If it looks like a good fit you might choose to move forward with a Comprehensive Home Performance Energy Assessment, which includes building a work scope and custom tailored improvement recommendations, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves… Either way, at this first visit, you’ll learn a ton of interesting things and be well on your way to solving the problem you called about.

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