• Why Your Home Gets Icicles Infographic

    Want to understand the causes and solutions to icicles and ice dams? Here’s an infographic.

  • Why Low Hanging Fruit Has Poisoned Energy Efficiency

    Have you been told to tackle the ‘Low Hanging Fruit’ on your home? Don’t bother. It’s poisoned, and it has poisoned the whole industry. Here’s why and how to really fix things.

  • 5 Myths of Energy Efficiency

    Everything you know about energy efficiency is wrong. Well, not quite. Here are 5 hard won lessons that debunk myths you’ve believed for years.

  • EcoVent: Treating Symptoms Instead of the Disease

    We here at Energy Smart are weirdos. We don’t like quick fixes that don’t actually fix things. We don’t sell snake oil. We don’t sell diet pills or the equivalent. We believe in the 2 secrets to losing weight: diet and exercise. The same thing goes for homes. It frustrates us when we see quick fixes.

  • A Tale of 2 Houses: Low Hanging Fruit is Poisoned

    Would you rather save 9% or 47%? The difference is in chasing low hanging fruit. 2 similar homes and jobs with drastically different results are compared.

  • 47%! Exciting preliminary savings.

    Preliminary results show a 47% drop in energy usage from a recent Energy Smart Home Performance project. Several older projects we checked achieved only 10% reductions. Here’s why.

  • What Infrared Camera Testing Looks Like (On My Own Home)

    Curious what you can learn with an infrared camera about your home? This will give you a good example using the writer’s own home and a special twist.

  • Energy Models ARE Accurate – Danny Parker of FSEC Says

    Energy models can be quite accurate, but a few critical pieces are needed to do this. Find out which ones here.

  • Fresh Air Ventilation – Why 2 Duct Systems?

    Fresh air ventilation only needs one duct system, contrary to common knowledge. Here’s how.

  • Don’t Guess! Diagnose. Corbett Lunsford rocks it!

    Corbett Lunsford of Green Dream Group talks about how homeowners are still guessing about how to solve problems because efficiency programs have trained them Home Performance or weatherization can only save energy. Au contraire!

  • Driving a Nissan Leaf – Internal Combustion Is In Trouble

    After driving a Nissan Leaf, it’s clear that electric cars are the way of the future. No gas stations, just plug it in at night. You can produce your own fuel with the sun. Here are my driving impressions.

  • One Knob Part 4 – Program Description

    One Knob is an energy efficiency program design that works for homeowners, contractors, program managers, utilities, and PUCs. It only adjusts one thing: payment for saved energy in the form of Negawatts.